So we’re gonna heal, we’re gonna start again…. - Beyonce ‘All Night’ from the Lemonade visual album…..And again, and again and again, until we get it right, or perhaps it’s for forever. Healing, growing, learning and understanding this life and myself. I have been up to a lot over the past few months very quietly and in particular over the past several years of embracing new life changes and major challenges that I have had to overcome.

It always feels like there is a new chapter and a new beginning for me and each and every phase that I have encountered brings me to a whole new level and insight to my goals and future. I have come to a point of acceptance that evolution for me means finding out new things about myself and at each step of the journey, I realise no matter how much things can change, I can adapt or I don’t have to if I don’t want or need to. It sounds bizarre I know, but the many phases of myself I have encountered and tried to understand, I come back to the conclusion that the only way to be is to be me. I have always struggled with not being accepted, understood or liked because sometimes being critiqued that I am not good enough or the expectations of who I am meant to be hurts me. I often then found myself being away from who I really am to meet such expectations, but right now, in this current era, I am finding out that I have to accept this as it is and I cannot control or have power over everything but myself which I am absolutely able to take dominion over.

I am more than ok at this stage to stop trying to prove a point and adapt to expectations of life’s apparent social norms and what is acceptable or not. I am excited for this further journey of discovering the power I get from actually giving, and giving from the heart to whoever needs it. I am fully ready from the result of my on-going healing journey to enter a queenly era where I just let go and allow myself to be fully submerged in new level and heights that leads me to a new era of success.

I also have to accept there is a lot of noise that happens outside, but I have the ability and power to keep quiet internally and carry on.

I have a right to be who I am even if its not appeasing to everyone and I can also state to anyone expecting me to adapt to their standard to take me as I am, because the groundwork has been done, is on-going and I am satisfied with the result.

Whilst in Ghana, I didn’t realise this quest wasn’t about starting afresh but to actually bring me right down to earth again, a humbling experience that has only made me wiser in my choices, decisions and options of what I want to select for myself. The journey has revealed new facts to me and helped me understand myself a little better.

In healing, I have realised there is so much I have to take away and yet and still I have so much more to give. I am still a working progress and the direction is so comforting and reassuring although, in many cases I cannot even see where I am going. I am guided by faith and angels and a spritual guide on where I need to go. Without selling myself out, without forcing, rushing or hurting anywhere. We will get there.

It’s been a pleasure having this space and platform on the internet and to those who have supported me, I am grateful. To those who have chastised me, thank you.